Next-Generation Glucose Monitoring Platform

New and improved technology for medical devices
The client engaged Dialexa as a key player in a mixed-vendor team to stabilize and optimize their architecture to support the launch of a new glucose medical device.
Technical and product strategy efforts
Image shows a woman holding a cellphone while she tracks her blood sugar with her glucose monitor on her arm
28 Million+ - Daily Platform Interactions

We developed and built a scalable and secure solution and technology architecture to support a rapid increase in data and users from the new medical device.

Time to Market - Coaching and building high-performance teams

Instilling the product-mindset and agile structures in a complex environment through product excellence coaching and developing high-performance teams.

Strategy - Creating the next generation product

Working with the leadership team to develop the product and technology strategy, processes, and playbook to guide the next generation device.

Module of Glucose in gold.

Global, scalable architecture

Using our Dialexa approach, we assessed the current components and designed and developed the architecture improvements needed to scale for the global, consumer medical device.With the foundational architecture in place, Dialexa began guiding the large teams on product development best practices, iterative design & release management as well as Agile coaching to increase release cycles and product quality.


Fortune 500 company focused on glucose monitoring systems

  • Software Engineer
  • Product Owner
  • Quality Engineer
  • Developer
  • Agile Coach
  • Engagement Manager
  • Quality Assurance Engineer
  • Strategy
  • Engineering
  • Development
  • Testing

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