
Parking for the 21st Century
George Baker has a rich family history in Dallas’ parking industry. For the past three generations, George’s family has owned and operated parking lots in the downtown Dallas area. So when George decided to park his career in the family business, he wanted to make a difference in an innovative way. was established to revolutionize the parking industry. George Baker, founder,, came to Dialexa with an idea, a web portal, and a desire to bring technological advancement to manage parking.

ParkHub had a bid out to a large Dallas premier event center ranked #4 in the U.S. and #9 in the world to use their technology. Under a time crunch, the large Dallas venue decided to use ParkHub, but with a caveat — the technology had to be set up and ParkHub had to be running in less than 24 hours, a few weeks before the completion date. Since the ParkHub and Dialexa teams were in close communication every step of the development, George Baker decided to bet his business and launch the software. Since the ParkHub team had not yet been trained on how to operate the system, and with a strong desire to have the client succeed, the Dialexa engineers volunteered their own time helping ParkHub park cars at the large venue. Dialexa implemented the technology and stayed during the launch to run the system. The result? Out of nearly 80,000 transaction, that day, only two transactions gave the team trouble. ParkHub won the premier event center as a client, and experienced an inflection point in their business.

Growth icon
80K Transactions with almost no issues

Out of nearly 80,000 transaction, that day, only two transactions gave the team trouble

Winning Premier Event Center As a Client

ParkHub had a bid out to a large Dallas premier event center ranked #4 in the U.S. and #9 in the world to use their technology.

Quick Turnaround

Under a time crunch, the large Dallas venue decided to use ParkHub, but with a caveat — the technology had to be set up and ParkHub had to be running in less than 24 hours, a few weeks before the completion date. George Baker decided to bet his business and launch the software.


Software Platform and Hardware Solutions

The interdisciplinary team at Dialexa designed and built the entire ParkHub platform:

  • Advanced cloud-based, multi-tenant parking management system for venues
  • iOS® mobile point of sale systems for lot attendants called PRIME
  • Administrative platform to manage venues and customers
  • Financial reporting systems
  • Integrations including Ticketmaster® validation systems (one of only two platforms in the world with this access)
  • Custom hardware solutions that revolutionized lot automation.

By only using one technology team to create all of these solutions, ParkHub was able to stay within their budget and have a product delivered before their desired launch date. The ParkHub online parking reservation and management system (including a white label solution for teams and venues) dramatically improves the customer experience while increasing revenue for parking owners and operators.

quote-mark The hands-on approach was phenomenal. Their ability, from their designers to their software engineers, to come out and witness first-hand the problem that ParkHub was trying to solve made all the difference. quote-mark

– George Baker, SR., Founder & CEO @ ParkHub

Complete parking technology ecosystem

  • Engineer
  • Front-End Developer
  • iOS Engineer
  • Scrum Master
  • Quality Assurance
  • Hardware Engineering
  • Design & Software Engineering

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